SUPERFLEX is a part of the group exhibition 'Le Cours des Choses' at CAPC musée d'art contemporain de Bordeaux

'The Working Life' (2013) by SUPERFLEX is a part of the group exhibition 'Le Cours des Choses' at CAPC musée d'art contemporain de Bordeaux until August 16. 2020. ⁠ ⁠ The exhibition features video work from more than 30 visual artists whose work can be reinterpreted in the light of the current global health crisis. ⁠ ⁠ 'The Working Life' is a 9.50-minute film addressing the work situation from a therapeutic perspective. ⁠

To read more about the work and the exhibition please click here


Art Basel OVR live event: Expedition to Hunga Tonga · Artist Talk with Rasmus Nielsen from SUPERFLEX


In 2018, Superflex performed a series of exploratory experiments to the unhabituated island of Hunga Tonga in the South Pacific Ocean. These explorations were part of the ongoing transdisciplinary research project 'Deep Sea Minding', commissioned by TBA21- Academy, as a continuation of their program The Current. 'Deep Sea Minding' merges artistic and scientific research to surface relevant data from the depths and propose a material future to serve the needs and desires of both humans and marine creatures. During the talk, the artist, Rasmus Nielsen from SUPERFLEX, will elaborate on the expedition to Hunga Tonga, as well as the material experiments and artworks which emerged from the exploration of this newly formed volcanic island.



Final week of Carlos Amorales 'The Factory' at Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam

Stedelijk Museum · Amsterdam opens up again. ⁠ ⁠

This week is the final week of Carlos Amorales solo-exhibition 'The Factory' at the museum ending on June 7, 2020.

‘Carlos Amorales – The Factory’ is the first European retrospective exhibition by multidisciplinary artist Carlos Amorales. It showcases the work of one of Mexico’s most important contemporary artists from the 1990s to the present day –the most recent piece was made especially for the exhibition.⁠ - Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam⁠

Please click here for more information


Tove Storch outdoor installation at Jyllands-Posten's headquarter

''In front of the new headquarters of the newspaper Jyllands-Posten at Aarhus Harbor, Denmark Tove Storch was commissioned to make an outdoor installation. ⁠The work is ready and open to the public - so a great outdoor experience these days.'' - Nils Stærk ⁠ ⁠⠀

Location: Jyllands-Posten's headquarters at the port in Aarhus, Denmark, 2020 ⁠⠀
Details: Outdoor installation of 550 unique ceramic sculptures by Tove Storch⁠, Various dimensions⁠⠀


Ingvar Cronhammer biography out now

Ingvar Cronhammer's biography 'Med Gud i den ene hånd og tvivlen i den anden · Et roadtrip med Ingvar Cronhammer' by Kirsten Jacobsen, published by Politikens Forlag is out now.⁠⠀
'Den første biografi om og med en af Danmarks mest prisbelønnede og anerkendte kunstnere.⁠⠀
Siden august 2018 har billedhuggeren Ingvar Cronhammar – i sol og regn, mørke og sne – kørt Danmark rundt i sin Audi Q5 sammen med forfatter Kirsten Jacobsen. Undervejs har de talt om hans kraftfulde kunstværker i det offentlige rum – fra Gråsten til Skagen, fra Herning til Rosenhaven ved Fredensborg Slot og det imponerende monumentområde ved Jelling.⁠⠀
De har kørt gennem landsbyer, hvor rækker af tilgroede, forladte huse i dag – med Cronhammars ord – ”står som halvkvalte skrig og med vinduernes tomme øjne” og gennem svimlende smukke hedestrækninger, hvor kunstneren bliver utilpas ved vindmøllernes skalering i forhold til landskabets naturlige fikspunkter. De har siddet i middelalderkirker og talt om Cronhammars religiøse anfægtelser og det, han kalder sine anelser (læs: inspiration), der kan opstå ud af intet. ⁠⠀
Ingvar Cronhammar søger håbet og lyset, men tumler med troen, tvivlen og mørket. Han er svær at overse i det offentlige rum og i kunstcirklerne; men han er normalt meget tilbageholdende og privat. På disse roadtrips og i sit hjem uden for Herning fortæller han for første gang om sig selv og de – hidtil ukendte – barske sider af sin opvækst, der har sat sit aftryk på hans livssyn og kunstværker' - Politikens Forlag⁠

Click here to purchase


Lea Porsager - nominated for Swedish Architects Best Landscape Architecture 2019

Lea Porsager's ‘Gravitational Ripples’ (2018) was nominated for Swedish Architects Best Landscape Architecture 2019
Gravitational Ripples is the Swedish Memorial for the victims of the tsunami in southeast Asia in 2004.⁠

For further information and motivation of the jury -⁠


Torbjørn Rødland is a part of the exhibition 'Amuse-bouche. The Taste of Art' at Museum Tinguely, Basel. ⁠

The exhibition will run until 17 May 2020. ⁠

For more information please click here



We are extremely proud to announce that our booth received the prize BEST BOOTH in ZONA MACO by GRUPO HABITA • Thank you OLAF BREUNING for presenting the amazing sculptures Sad and Worried Animals and thanks to the community and the team behind Zona Maco - This is our 15th anniversary at Zona Maco and we already look forward to next year!