
Eduardo Terrazas (b. 1936) is a Mexican creator who has taken a genuine interest in studying and contemplating the complexity of our contemporary world. Spirit, beauty, order, and technique are the cornerstones that define his visual universe.

An architect by training, he obtained his Bachelor’s degree at UNAM Mexico, and then a Master’s, at Cornell University, New York. But his endeavors –for over fifty years- include an array of disciplines: design, architecture, urban and regional planning, visual arts and environmental issues, responding and reflecting creatively to our changing reality, proposing alternate methods of inhabiting our world, different forms to relate one another, new ways to portray and understand our cosmos.

Terrazas sees his transit through these disciplines, as different pathways that nevertheless run parallel, as resources to approach concerns that range from philosophy to science. 

He is one of the few Mexicans who work with the geometric abstraction to establish a dialogue between the formal occidental aesthetics and the indigenous crafts techniques.